
Tristel Litnes.
Crystal | Balmung/Mateus.

you can tip toe on the line of madness,
just be sure to watch your step at night.

creeping up beside your little mistress,
they're coming to take your mind.

fall into the dream, time is fantasy.
if you just believe, just believe.

play guide.

if you want it, then lights out,
make your way home.



  1. 21+ only, please.

  2. I will not do noncon, one-shots or ERP in general. People get weird, man. Don't be weird. I'm fine with the build up but it will be faded at some point.

  3. IC is not OOC, should go without saying honestly.

  4. If issues of any sort ever come up, please come to me. I'm pretty tame and I would rather have the awkward conversation than allow negative feelings to fester, even if I was originally oblivious to them. This is supposed to be fun for everyone and that can't happen without proper communication. <3

Hi, hello! I'm 30+, married and have been RPing for over 20 years.Large crowds and new people make me anxious but I absolutely love walkups!Prone to random afks.I enjoy playing supporting characters for others stories so if you have any ideas you've been sitting on feel free to throw them my way as I have a large roster!

you got the power,

the voices getting louder.

screaming about,
you're wearing me out,
come closer.


come in.
sit down, sweet angel.

  name.    tristel litnes.
  age.    26.
  race.    hyurezen.
  birthday / nameday.     november 26th.
  astrological sign.     sagittarius.
  gender.     male.
  pronouns.     he/him.
  sexuality.     pansexual.

  height.     5'11.
  weight.     175 ponzes.
  hair color.     ash blonde.
  eye color.     blue and green.
  skin tone.     light.

  job occupation.    tattoo artist | shoulder to lean on
  place of origin.     somewhere in Coerthas.
  home.   a questionably 'small' cottage within the Shroud.
  family.     adoptive parents: astrid and rendros rayne.
  marital status.     single.
  playlist.   ♫♪♫

  d&d alignment.     neutral evil.
  mbti.     entj-a.
  likes.     travelling. art. free-running. whittling. singing and music. reading.
  dislikes.     mind altering substances. stagnancy.
  virtues.     patient. outwardly friendly. altruistic. modest.
  flaws.   mischievous. hedonistic. machiavellian.

leave me all your tears.
tell me all your troubles.

  personality.   Highly skilled in reading a room and peoples emotions, he never hesitates to offer out a hand to those he sees struggling in life. Usually seen as a form of altruism there are other motivating factors at play.Tris connects with others quickly, though those bonds are shallow in nature, later to be exploited. His relationships with people are purely transactional, whether the other parties realize that or not.He prefers that they don't.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤOtherwise things get messy.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAnd no one likes a mess.

headcanon. He is a wanderer at heart, never spending too much time within one region before moving to the next. Even those he has explored before, he always comes back around again.Growing up in a home where the walls seem to shift and twist on their own lead to his love of travel and exploration. You never know what may be lurking around a corner when you pass by a second time.more coming soon™.


the weight of your short years.


love is only a river,

drowning all of your cheer.

sell me all of your laughter,
and i will take some of your fear.


you've got my body, flesh and bone,

hook one. If you're in the market for getting some ink done, perhaps you've heard of the wandering artist or would like to set up an appointment. Rumor has it he'll even sing for you as he works.hook two. Traveling as he does, it is entirely possible you have crossed paths with him before.

more coming soon.

coming up with hooks is my worst enemy.honestly, just walk up! ♥

i promise. maybe.

the sky above, the earth below

raise me up again

take me past the edge,
i want to see the other side.


my, my, those eyes like fire



  summary.   He was always enchanted by the woman in his youth, almost like living with a spectre within those twisting halls. Her presence was rare but always felt. There for a moment and then gone within a blink. She taught him ones mind is their most powerful tool and it is not something he has forgotten.



  summary.   Sharing a closer bond with his father, he occasionally seeks the man out for advice on a litany of topics. When he finds himself unable to mend whatever ails his comrades, his father has historically been his first contact. After all, he is a doctor.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤPerhaps a little mad.



  summary.   An important man in his life yet he is still unsure as to why. Whether his parents were simply trying to be funny when introducing them, or something else brews in the shadows, has yet to be seen. The duo often link up whenever possible and Dae remains his primary free-running partner. Trust is a currency not easily earned.


baby bat

  summary.   She has quickly become a woman he will actively seek out whenever finding himself in the Thanalan region. Having done some of the ink work on her body, he is never disappointed hearing about the antics she gets up to in her busy life. The moniker of 'Maestro' started from her mouth and it has brought him numerous clients. He is indebted to her in more ways than one.

come now, bite through these wires.
i'm a waking hell and the gods grow tired.

reset my patient violence along both lines of a pathway higher.

grow back your sharpest teeth,
you know my desire.
i will travel far beyond the path of reason.